Author Topic: About this board  (Read 7754 times)


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About this board
« on: October 29, 2016, 12:35:08 PM »
Welcome to the 'That does(n’t) rhyme for me!' board!

If you've found a purported rhyme on (or perhaps in someone else's poetry) which doesn't rhyme in your accent, even though your accent seems to have the accent parameters required for the rhyme, post about it here. The same goes for rhymes which work for you which you don't find in the dictionary. Maybe one of the words has the wrong pronunciation in the dictionary, in which case it will be fixed, or maybe your accent has an interesting feature which causes the words to rhyme or not rhyme, in which case perhaps a new accent parameter will be added to the dictionary to reflect that.

If you already know what is different about your accent that changes whether the rhyme works, check the New accent parameters thread to see whether I'm already planning to add that to the dictionary. You can comment there to register your interest in a planned feature so I know how to prioritise them. Otherwise, ask about it here and maybe we'll all learn something. It can be helpful to include the following:

  • Where your accent is from, and anything you know about features of the accent, so we can work out how it affects the rhymes.
  • Some examples of other words which the dictionary claims rhyme or don't rhyme with the word in question, and whether they rhyme for you, so we can figure out if an entire group of words rhymes or doesn't rhyme in a given accent, or just a specific word or subgroup of words has a different pronunciation in your accent.
  • Perhaps an audio sample of the words rhyming/not rhyming; this could be either a recording of yourself, or a link to a song or similar.

To make the forum search on the main rhyme science page more useful, please only use the words themselves in the subject line, e.g. 'mass/pass' rather than 'mass and pass don't rhyme for me!' (Note: this particular example is due to the trap/bath split, which I will eventually add as an accent parameter.)